Breaking any of these rules will get you banned, muted, your room closed and/or your files deleted. Moderators may also come to your home and eat your doner pizza without paying. Moderators are the ones deciding whether you broke any of the following rules, and rule enforcement is not a democracy, you don't get a vote on what's OK or not.

  1. Forbidden content
    It is forbidden to link to or upload any content that is illegal to own or share. Uploading files that are named in a way that suggests illegal content or otherwise appear to be illegal is also forbidden. We'll rat you out to the popo, and you'll burn in hell for possessing such content, anyway.
  2. Copyrighted Content
    Don't, unless you have permission or a legal right (such as fair use) to share.
    Please not that copyright exceptions such as "fair use" are narrowly defined by the law. Consult a lawyer if you're not sure. are narrowly defined by the law. Consult a lawyer if you're not sure if you have thr right.
  3. Doxing and/or revenge porn
    Doxing is strictly not tolerated even if you have the permission of the "doxed" person.
    Naming "famous" people - online or offline - is not considered doxing, publishing private information about them however is not.
  4. Spam/"Advertising"
    No! 'nuff said.
  5. >Harming the staff
    Should you insult, provoke or try to harm a moderator in any way, the consequences are up to them. They might laugh it off or they might ban and mute you. You can't expect moderators to put up with your bullshit.